Tuesday 29 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 5

This activity had  me creating tools for assessing different rubrics. This is something  I have never thought of doing or even considered before so this was very new to me. It was definitely a learning experience. I am now certain whenever I create a rubric in the near future I would be doing so in a whole new light.       

Sunday 27 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 4

This activity has reinforced the fact that there are different types of learners who have different needs.  When we plan our lessons we should cater for all the differences.  We should also be careful as teachers not to only test the product but we should also test the process.

Friday 18 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 3

So I definitely has got to change my way of teaching and assessing.  After reading all this material it has dawned on me, yes, I was cheating the students.  Each student is special.  Each student is unique.  Each student learns differently.  I MUST teach to accommodate each student's learning style.  I MUST assess each student according to their strengths.  I MUST change my way of doing things. Yes,I MUST change. A change IS coming!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 2

There are lots of things I can assess in many different ways. This activity was definitely and eye opener for me.   I do not just have to rely on a product......I can also assess the process.  While this may be a longer process at times to assess certain things, it will be a learning experience to to me to see how the students think and correct their mistakes.  It would also be interesting to see how they work and help each other.  When students know they are being assessed for certain things they work hard to get good grades, so I would be developing the students level of compassion, tolerance, communication, etc.  In other words I would be developing well rounded students.
Module 4 assignment 1

What an assignment!  It was a wake up call for me.  I have been assessing my students according to the old 'written tests' methods too much for too long.  With more careful planning I would be using a wider variety of methods and strategies.
Module 4 Activity 1

This activity was enlightening.  I was not assessing my students using all the given opportunities I had available to me. I needed to use a wider variety of assessment methods to truly capture my students differences in abilities and strengths.

I am now better prepared to return to the classroom and assess my students using the different assessment methods learnt.
I'm Baaaack!

The ICCT training has started again after a long summer break.  Just when I was starting to get comfortable and forget all about this- I received an email saying: ready, set, go.   Am in working on all six cylinders yet? No.  I will get there after a run of the firs one or two activities though.  I am looking forward to this module to see how I can en-cooperate in my teaching/learning experiences.

Let's go...............