Tuesday 25 February 2014

Module 1 Activity 5 Developmental Psychology

I enjoyed doing this activity.  Although it was a lot of reading the views expressed in the group's blog were very enlightening.  The ideas thrown out were all interesting and would definitely be an asset to all stakeholders in education.  In fact, most of these ideas should become practice in all schools.  I especially liked the suggestion of the workshops for parents or guardians.  Every once in a while we all  need a refresher course in what we do day to day to give us new ideas to deal with the same situation or experiences or simply to encourage us to keep going.  There is a saying 'it takes a village to raise a child'.  In today's world we definitely need that village. 

Sunday 23 February 2014

Module 1 Assignment 1
 I do not like to write essays!  It was hard to sit down and concentrate to write these but when I got started I just kept going.  I had so much to say I had to edit my work a few times to get down to the allotted number of words.  
It was especially a lot of fun reminiscing on the most successful moments in my teaching career.  'Kimora' will always be in my heart.  She was special to me.
Even though at first I was turned off, this assignment was not too hard even though I had to reread most of the information.  I learnt a lot.  

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Module 1 Activity 4 - Behaviourism

Again these readings are taking me back but I am also being reminded of strategies to deal with my students and how to modify those that I am currently using.  We need to be reminded from time to time how to keep up with today's' energetic and savvy students.  While some concepts were reinforced I also learnt new strategies and ideas to use in my classroom.  I also enjoyed the comments made in the group activity.  It was enlightening and interesting to read.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Module 1 Activity 3 -Social Cognitive Theory

The readings in these activities is taking me back to a place I was some years ago.  Again I have to read about the different ways students learn and we must not take them for granted.  I was also reminded  that we should make our assessment of each  student on a personal level.  I should also show love and personal interest to each student because each one is an individual and has his/her individual needs and interests.  We all need to feel loved and feel special.  To help those who are not getting it in their homes or to build a good rapport with my students I must show interest in their lives.  I would continue to encourage and show them love.  We all need it.