Monday 10 June 2013

Module 3 Assignment 3

This is the final assignment for this module and boy am I glad.  It was difficult for me through this entire module.  I guess it is because I started at module 3 and not at module 1.  At times I felt overwhelmed juggling all these roles, but the storm is over (at least for now).  This assignment like all the others had its challenges, but as usual with perseverance and guidance it is finally done and submitted.  I am now better equipped to plan integrated lessons to accommodate learners and me.  looking forward to the next module.
Module 3 Activity 11

My PLN!  This is our final activity in this module.  I joined twitter to launch my PLN so I will be able to share with other educators globally.  I also joined LinkedIn.  It was exciting to follow people and having people follow me. I am looking forward to using them to collaborate and learn.
Module 3 Activity  10

When I use the social media what do I use it for?  Do I browse friends' profiles, do I chat with friends, do I just play games?  If I chat is it just 'shooting the breeze' or I am having a discussion with another professional?  I know there is a time and place for everything but do I ever use it to enhance my field so I will be able to learn from my colleagues?  These are some of the questions I asked myself as I read the article.  As a professional I have to learn to see the media in a new light.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Module 3 Assignment 2

I truly enjoyed doing this assignment. I did not understand it at first and had to read the instructions over and over and was not sure where to evaluate the sites but after a few emails saying I am stuck I figured it out.  Evaluating the websites was not very hard because I used a rubric which I found very useful.  I do not like writing essays so I did not have to pad the information my answers were very short and to the point. This is something I can teach my students and my colleagues.
Module 3 Activity 9

I have been using the internet for quite some time now, researching topics, seeking all sorts of information but it has never dawned on me to check for these 'things' except accuracy until doing this activity.  I am truly glad I am now aware to check for certain things in a website, how to evaluate it to decide if I want to expose my students to it.  This activity has truly opened my eyes.  I can now decide if it bias, credible or its main purpose.  The websites I view from now on will be going through a sieve to ensure they meet those standards.
Module 3 Activity 8

My students do not have much practice with using Spreadsheet, so it was a challenging lesson.  We have been using tables though so we incorporated that and after lots of tries - goal!  The lessons uploaded are very insightful and I am planning on modifying a few to suit my grade level in the future.
Module 3 Activity 7

I have never taught or used Spreadsheet in my class with my students, but after reading the lesson with Nicole, the way the teacher incorporated the information she already knew into a new lesson  I think I am ready for the challenge.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Module 3 Assignment 1

Well this assignment was challenging in some ways and easy in some ways.  I had a hard time explaining the challenges and saying how I plan to overcome those challenges because I was given a word limit.  I do not pad information when I am writing so it was hard for me reach the word limit and when my thoughts started to flow I surpassed the limit.  I had to read over Miss Potenza's work a few times even though I had read it before several times.  I overcame the challenges and moved on to what I enjoyed most about this assignment - doing the documents.  I learnt a lot during this course so far and I would do my best to use and apply what I have learnt with my students in the future.
Module 3 Activity 5

These activities are all useful, enlightening and enjoyable.  I feel like a kid in a candy store.  I can definitely see myself using a lot of these activities.  There are some activities that I have never used.  I am especially interested in creating an image collage but I need an updated version of Word. I am not finished with the page and I know I will not be for some time, but I will be back.

Module 3 Activity 4

Oh I had fun doing this activity.  I must admit it was a challenge but I liked it.  I had fun putting in the information but when it was time to put in the formulas, that's where all the frustration came. At times, I had to take  long breaks and come back at it only to find that I did not put in the equal sign or a bracket was in the wrong place. At times I spent hours working on one formula.  Finding the average was a definite problem for me, but perseverance claimed victory.

On the brighter side of the cloud, I am now more competent to utilize these tools when doing my mark sheet, so my task would be much easier.  I would not have to be slaving over a sheet of paper and a calculator.  I can also save the template and just plug in my scores so my life has just been made easier and I will now have more time to literally smell the roses.  I will definitely be using excel more.
Module 3 Activity 3

There were two parts to this activity.  The first part required us as a group to come up with ways  for our students to use the word processor as a learning tool.  It was very exciting to see the ideas that our group generated.  This was a very thought-provoking activity but the ideas are very useful and I am sure I will be using many of them in the future.

I had to write a lesson plan for the second part if this activity.  I planned a Social Studies lesson on Natural Environmental Features.  In this lesson we are defining what are natural environmental features, and listing examples of these  natural features.  We also will discuss how they are formed and where in the Caribbean and other parts of the world we will find these features.  The students .enjoyed doing their own research and had fun while doing it
Module 3 Activity 2

Well there are always lots of administrative duties along with all the other things a teacher has to do but this week I am focusing on an educational tour to various places in the island.   A letter to the parents was not very hard to do since as a teacher I am constantly sending PTA meetings announcements, and other notices to parents. 

Constructing the worksheet is as usual time consuming, but students respond well to prepared worksheets.  This application is very useful in preparing exercises and homework assignments.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Module 3 Activity 1

Well, this is new to me - both blogging and this course that I am starting. I feel like a fresh water fish thrown into the deep ocean, only I asked to be thrown in. I attended a work shop on this project, but still I am at a loss. Now I understand how some students can be sitting in class all day paying attention (or so it seems) and at the end of the day have no idea what the teacher was talking about. That was how I felt at the end of the session. Mr. Roos was very informative though (even if at most times I could not connect with what he was saying). I understood the activity somewhat but where do i go from here? Let's see what this journey has to offer and where it would take me because I have a feeling I'm not in Kansas anymore.