Friday 11 April 2014

Assignment 3

This assignment had me thinking for days how to approach section D and E.  Finally it dawned on me – I hope!  It was hard for me because at the same time I was busy with end of term activities – preparing CPEA report cards (sent from the Ministry) along with the school’s report books.  This took a lot from me.  I am still not finished with the module though I am yet to complete two activities and complete my blog.

While there was a lot of reading in this module that sometimes seem would never end (and most times I had to read the same thing more than once) the information was very useful.  I found dome new activities that my students enjoyed such as comparing and contrasting and the class discussion with the speaker holding the flashlight.  I would be incorporating them in my teaching more often.  There were also some suggestions on our group page that would be put into practice daily such as praising positive behaviours, conditioning negative behaviours and building students self esteem.  I would also try to show more interest in their personal lives.

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