Thursday 24 April 2014

Module 5 Activity 1 - Reflection on the value of Social Bookmarking

OK module 5 has started and I have no idea if I have bookmarked or added the sites correctly to the diigo page.  I am just winging it for now.  I have bookmarked pages (crochet patterns and other educational sites) on my computer before  never had I had them on a 'site'.  I am hoping I did the correct thing and when I get the hang of this I will be bookmarking everything and categorizing them.  It amazes me that everytime I think I have made a headway in using technology something comes along and stumps me out.  Anyway this is a learning process and I am glad I have this opportunity to learn.    

There are lots of advantages to be derived from bookmarking sites.  As teachers we can visit each other's sites to use them as teaching tools.  It would also be very handy to have and store these sites to come back to them when we need them.  The links can be placed into lists and this makes for easy retrieval at anytime. I am looking forward to the other activities!

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